Freezer Burn - We can't Burn without YOU. Yes, you.
If you are attending Freezer Burn... we need your hands, heart and help. Right now we have 44 volunteers - we need at least 100 to even run the event
If you are attending Freezer Burn... we need your hands, heart and help. Right now we have 44 volunteers - we need at least 100 to even run the event.
😥😥😥😥 W E N E E D Y O U. Yes, Y O U. The one reading this. 😛😛😜
Without volunteers, our event doesn't run - there won't be people to check your ticket, people to help you find parking, or people to help you when your neighbour is annoying. Without your hands, stages won't get built, people won't be there to help when you twist your ankle, effigies won't be there to burn, and the land won't be returned to its original state. You don't need experience to volunteer - we welcome the stranger and the newbie to our community! Volunteering for even one 2 hour shift is the best way to meet Burn friends and become part of the community. If you've volunteered before and it's gone stale, shake it up! Try a new team! Do something completely opposite of anything you've done before... Become the newbie again.
The Burning Man ethos is about participation - everyone works, everyone plays, everyone participates. What makes Burn events so different from every other event you will attend is the creation of community - when you pitch in, a piece of your heart burns with the Man.
We'll be profiling one volunteer team each day this week. Learn more about volunteering, find a team to call home, and answer the call.
We can't Burn without your heart. <3
To learn more about the teams, visit...
If you know what team you want to be on, click to...
If you need ideas, want to know time commitments/how volunteering can fit in with your Burn experience, or need suggestions for where you might fit, PM @LithiaXcellent. Welcome to the best part of your Burn.