To enter, every participant (including volunteers) must have a ticket and bring photo ID.

Card image


Freezer Burn 2025 Disco Forest June 19 to 23

Ticket sales: OMG "It's Not A Joke" Sale April 1 at 6pm

Volunteers do not get a ticket for volunteering. For example, this whole thing is done by volunteers, so yes even this Ticketing Team buys tickets.
TIES program will be opening up shortly, to connect those looking to sell tickets with those looking to buy. It is not open yet. Emailing Ticketing will not help with that either. No one bought a ticket by mistake last week, so the only ones "selling" right now are the scammers.

In Person Ticket sale March 9 -finished, unsold tickets rolled into total online tickets for sale
On Line E-ticket SOLD OUT (within three days of launch).
OMG "It's Not a Joke" Sale April 1 at 6pm
Limited Ticket applications open on March 9, and the process will close June 1.
Volunteer applications open on April 1.

  • There are NO REFUNDS on ticket purchases.

You may purchase a maximum of 2 tickets from the entire ticket pool. The 2 ticket maximum is inclusive of the live sale. Do not buy at the live sale and online. Give everyone a chance!

Minors 12 years old and under at the time of the event do not need a ticket, but do need to be registered here.

Freezer Burn is 100% volunteer driven! It can only exist through the hard work we as a collective put into it. So make sure you sign up to volunteer for 2025. Volunteer signup begins in April.

Do you have questions?? You can find the answer here, just scroll down to the FAQ! If you still have a question after that, then email us.

Got your ticket? Great! KNOW THIS:

  • You must agree to the Freezer Burn Terms and Conditions outlined in the indemnity waiver. Read it ahead of time, HERE.
  • All ticket holders will be required to sign the indemnity waiver upon entry to the event.
  • Read The Survival Guide BEFORE the event, HERE is a previous Survival Guide so you could familiarize yourself with it.
  • If you bought a hard copy ticket at the in-person sale, you MUST have your ticket with you to get in to Freezer Burn. Photo ID is required with your ticket at the gate. Hard copy tickets cannot be replaced: they are just like cash.
  • If you bought your E-ticket online, bring the digital ticket with barcode showing or a printed copy with the bar code for scanning. If you transfer the ticket a new code will be generated and the old one voids. Show your most recent ticket! Photo ID is required with your ticket at the gate.
  • Participants without tickets and identification will be turned away.
  • If you choose to sell or gift your ticket you must NEVER sell it for a price above face value or bid it up using sites such as Kijiji or Ebay. Email us if you need help finding a buyer.

Got your ticket? Great! KNOW THIS:
Limited Income Tickets

Limited Income Tickets

Freezer Burn aims to be accessible to all participants, and that means ticket price should not be the barrier. Freezer Burn wants you!

Who Is Considered for Limited Income Tickets?

As a rough guide, anyone who is experiencing income near or below the most recent Living Wage for the province of Alberta would be quite eligible for the Freezer Burn Limited Income Tickets program. If you are experiencing hardships due to health costs, please let us know in the “anything else you would like us to know” part of the application process.

The Details:
  • Applications for each year will open around the same time as main ticket sales. Once applications are open, you must email us to start the process. The applications will close a couple weeks before the event to give us time to process them all, so don't leave it until the last minute!
  • The Limited Income program is for people who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend.
  • Limited Income tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable, no exceptions.
  • There are 75 Limited Income tickets available and are granted on a first finished the process - first served basis.
  • Email to start the application process.

Ticket FAQ

I need help with ticket issues! What do I do?

Read this entire page carefully, especially these FAQ! If you still do not see an answer to the issue please contact the Ticket Team at We want you to come to the event, as easily as possible. We want to help you!
Keep in mind we are all volunteers here with lives outside of Freezer Burn. Read the FAQ first so the truly unusual issues are the emails we can apply our limited time to.

How do I get to Freezer Burn?

Directions will be emailed out about a week before the event. Make sure you enter your email correctly when you buy your tickets so we can email you the directions.

I have an e-ticket. Do I need to print it out for the gate?

You may arrive with either a digital copy already downloaded to a device or a printed copy. Just make sure the barcode is ready to be scanned. Please be aware only the most recent version of that ticket will have a valid barcode.

Can I bring my kids?

Freezer Burn is family friendly! Children 12 and under do not require a ticket.
Please be aware there will be adult activities and adult themes around the festival. While you are shepherding your little explorers around, be ready to answer any questions they may have!

How do I register kids/minors?

All participants under 18 years of age must be registered before the event or at the Gate on entry. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents and guardians must sign a waiver for each person under the age of 18 at the gate and must supervise any minors at all times during the event. Please fill out the form HERE to let us know about any minors that you are bringing to Freezer Burn.

Can I register for TIES (Ticket Information Exchange System)? ONLY AFTER EVENT SOLD OUT

Note: TIES only launches in the case of the event selling out. This program works to connect people selling tickets to volunteers who still need tickets. If you are selling a ticket please consider providing your ticket to a volunteer and go through the Freezer burn ticket team for them to coordinate. Our festival can’t happen without volunteers! Please email

Transferring Hardcopy Tickets

  • Tickets are not to be sold for more than face value (plus fees, if applicable). Doing so may void your ticket and forfeit your future right to purchase tickets.
  • To transfer a hard copy ticket, you just hand it to the new owner. Please collect their email address to forward the directions to the new ticket holder.
  • Buyers, to verify the hardcopy ticket is legitimate, feel for the embossed LEA seal pressed into the material of the ticket.

Transferring E-tickets

  • Tickets are not to be sold for more than face value (plus fees, if applicable). Doing so may void your ticket and forfeit your future right to purchase tickets.
  • E-tickets can be swapped by opening the email containing the ticket and looking for the Transfer link just below it. Send the e-ticket to the new owner via email. Please note: every time a ticket is transferred or updated it generates a new barcode to be scanned at Gate. Only the most recent update will have the valid barcode.
  • Limited Income Tickets are non-transferable. If you can't use yours once purchased, it will not be used. You cannot give it to someone else. There are no refunds.

BEWARE Ticket Scams

  • Tickets can only be sold for face value (plus about $8 credit card fee, if applicable). If the ticket you see listed is more than that, it is absolutely a scam.
  • Use official Freezer Burn channels for ticket resales (such as the Facebook Event Page). Never use Kijiji or eBay.
  • If a seller appears new to facebook (new to the group, few friends, or no mutual friends) DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
  • If a seller is offering a deal too good to be true and rushing you to purchase, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
  • Follow all directions from the ticketing platform on how to verify and transfer tickets.