The ARTery
The ARTery is the Freezer Burn Art Team.
We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about art, self-expression, and community. Freezer Burn is an arts based event and we work hard to provide opportunities to celebrate and showcase the wonderful art our community creates. Reach us at

Mission Statement
The mission of the ARTery is to serve and defend artistic expression at Freezer Burn. The goal of the ARTery is to be an artist resource hub that facilitates the placement and display of art on the Fraya as well as to catalogue the art at Freezer Burn.
What We Do
The ARTery provides a variety of services to Fraya artists and participants via its three volunteer teams: Art Grants Team, Art Placement & Fire Support Team, and the Art Documentation & Social Media Team.
The Art Grant Team
This team provides Art Grants to Freezer Burn artists who will be attending the event. To find out more about how to apply for an art grant, click here: Art Grants
Art Placement & Fire Support Team
Working with both the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Fire Art Safety Team (FAST), this team supports artists in the placement of their pieces on the Fraya while ensuring that fire art is meeting all safety requirements.
If you are planning on bringing an art installation to the Fraya and are NOT applying for an Art Grant, please contact the Placement Team so we can assist you with placement. Likewise, read below to find out how the Art Documentation & Social Media Team can ensure that your piece is listed in the WWW and gets catalogued.
Art Documentation and Social Media Team
The goal of this team is to both catalogue and maintain an ongoing history of all the art projects on the Fraya as well as communicate and celebrate the art via social media. Here participants can learn more about the previous art installations and artists. This team also works to ensure that all current art pieces are listed in the What Where When (WWW) and are on the Freezer Burn map for that year.
If your art has been on the Fraya in the past and/or you have received a Freezer Burn Art Grant and would like to share your work with the community, please email us at The Art Documentation & Social Media Team will then post your art on the Freezer Burn website and, possibly, their social media pages for all to enjoy and be inspired.
The ARTery Team will not tolerate any abuse and has the right to ban abusive parties from accessing Freezer Burn Art Grants indefinitely based on behaviour they and the Producers deem aggressive and/or abusive.
Be an ARTery Volunteer! If you’re interested in volunteering please contact the ARTery, at for details.