FB-FAST Fireworks
The Fire Art Safety Team (FAST) Fireworks team handles the only Fireworks allowed at Freezer Burn, which are for the fireworks presentation on the Saturday night prior to the Effigy Burn.
What we do
Our Team is in charge of selecting (and then obtaining) the fireworks within our predefined budget. We then sequence those fireworks into a show for all Freezer Burn participants on Saturday night. We take safety as a first priority and set up the fireworks in a safe and secure manner. When it's time, we get to Ignite the fireworks in a timed & coordinated manner with the Effigy Burn! Then we clean it all up!
Team Dynamics
The overarching FB-FAST team (which we belong to) coordinates the effects and timing of the Effigy Burn. This includes both the Fireworks presentation and the Pyrotechnic effects used to ignite the Effigy. We work closely with the FB-FAST Lead to coordinate this effort as well as the safety teams that support those setup and ignitions.
Number of Volunteers
6-12 volunteers filling different roles
Shift Length
Setup: 2-3 hrs (Saturday during daylight hours); Ignition: 1-2 hrs (Saturday after dusk); Cleanup: 1-2 hrs (some Saturday after fireworks show, and some Sunday morning before Temple Burn setup activities start).
Pre-Event Tasks
- Select and obtain fireworks within our predefined budget (Leads)
- Create a plan to sequence the Fireworks performance (Leads)
- Purchase/Obtain related supplies, examples: hammers, stakes, tape, ignition tools, lighters, flares, head lamps, safety gloves, coveralls, etc (Leads)
Event Tasks
- Secure Fireworks on site (Leads & Volunteers)
- Transport Fireworks to ignition site (Leads & Volunteers)
- Safely set up fireworks (Leads & Volunteers)
- Ignite the fireworks (Leads)
- Material cleanup and MOOP sweep of ignition area (Leads & Volunteers)
- Carry MOOP offsite and dispose of in an appropriate manner (Leads & Volunteers)
Post-Event Tasks
- Discuss the event with Firework Lead to gather content for report (Volunteers)
- Write an AfterBurn report (Leads)
Recommended Training
We require that people interested in the Fireworks Lead position hold appropriate fireworks operator certificates relevant to the class of fireworks/ fireworks accessories/ pyrotechnics being utilized.