While propane fire pits and appliances (patio heaters, lamps, lanterns) do not emit sparks or smoke the same way a traditional wood fire does, we still take them seriously at Freezer Burn.

Fire is one the biggest hazards at Freezer Burn. Locating them sensibly, securing them from wind, checking them for leaks, and having your propane fire pits and appliances (PFPA) safety checked by our Freezer Burn – Fire Art Safety Team (FB-FAST), we are ensuring continued safety for all of our participants. 

These safety checks may uncover small problems with the items being used or even with the area it is being used in and help the operator identify areas of concerns that may have otherwise been overlooked. 

FB-FAST works with the Ponoka County Regional Fire Services and MSW Farms and has jurisdiction over all such fire pits and appliances, and any request from Freezer Burn Producers or FB-FAST personnel including but not limited to securing, relocating, or turning off any such appliance must be accommodated.

Store-bought, UL approved, cooking units do not need to be registered with FB-FAST but still need to be set-up and operated as per manufacturer's User guide. Please review and follow the safety guidelines to prevent accidents or injury.


These guidelines are for store-bought, UL-approved, patio heaters, fire pits, lamps and lanterns, cooking units and other unmodified UL-approved appliances that burn Propane (LP-Gas). 


  • Precautions must be taken to ensure that anything that should not be set on fire (fabric, stage sets, participants, etc.) is kept away from flame. 
  • All propane tanks must be stored in a manner in which it cannot accidentally fall or be knocked over.
  • A fire extinguisher shall be visibly located near the operator.
  • Please ensure your PFPA does not cause heat damage to the grass or ground. We suggest using a non flammable board under the PFPA to prevent causing heat rings to show up after we have left the farm. 
  • FB-FAST tries to maintain a site map with the location of all PFPA, as well as any larger propane tanks being used or stored in case we need to interact with the local fire department in an emergency.

Pre-use Safety Check

  • Upon arrival at Freezer Burn set up your PFPA as per the user manual including, visually inspecting hoses and conducting a leak test. 
  • Make sure that fire extinguishers are placed within eyesight of the PFPA .
  • Arrange for a FB-FAST safety check through Ranger Oracle. 
  • FB-FAST will provide a safety check of the PFPA and provide a leak test as needed then issue a laminate (Sticker) upon passing the safety check.

Operating Conditions

  • A FB-FAST issued laminate must be on hand to operate the PFPA.
  • The PFPA shall not be used in ANY enclosed space, unless inspected and approved by a member of the FB-FAST Inspection team.
  • It is not recommended to use the PFPA near any hanging materials. 
  • The PFPA should not be used when there is a high wind. 

Safety Perimeters

  • Precautions must be taken to ensure that anything that could catch fire (fabric, stage sets, etc.) is kept away from flame. 
  • There must be a minimum 1 meter area around the firepit free of debris or materials.
  • Ensure that there are no tripping hazards in the area, and be sure to pick up any materials that could get pushed or kicked closer to the flame. 
  • Do not try to hang items over PFPA in an attempt to dry.

Approved Propane Containers

  • All propane cylinders must be free of excessive rust and in serviceable shape and have current requalification dates.
  • The valve of a propane cylinder is required to be protected by a protective cap or collar, also called a neck ring. The absence of a protective collar leaves the cylinder valve(s) susceptible to serious damage. Without the protective collar, a propane cylinder is unfit for continued use and is illegal to fill.
  • The bottom of all propane cylinders are required to have a foot ring. The foot ring serves a very vital role in the protection and continued usability of a propane cylinder. The foot ring ensures the Propane cylinder stands in an upright and level position while also keeping the storage container from contacting the ground. Cylinders without a foot ring are unfit for continued use and are illegal to refill.

Cylinder Storage and Care

  • All propane cylinders of any size must be stored in an upright position and secured to prevent tipping. 
  • All cylinder valve protection caps are to remain on the cylinder valve assemblies unless in use.

Secondary Containment

  • Propane cylinders do not require secondary containment.


  • Refueling of propane tanks during the event is prohibited.

Response to propane fuel leaks

  1. Immediately turn off the propane cylinder and portable propane fire pit.
  2. Remove the cylinder, if it is safe to do so, and move it to a secure location; lock out if possible.
  3. Clearly mark the cylinder “Cylinder unsafe. Do not use”.
  4. Eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so.
  5. Notify a Ranger or Producer if the leak can not be stopped quickly.

Response to unplanned fires, small and large

  1. Immediately turn off the propane cylinder and portable propane fire pit.
  2. Call for RANGERS!
  3. Use fire extinguisher(s) to extinguish any fire around the propane fire if safe to do so. Propane fires should not be extinguished unless the leak can be safely stopped
  4. If the fire is spreading call for “HELP FIRE” and YELL FOR RANGERS 
  5. Dry chemical from the extinguishers is a MOOP contaminant for which you will be responsible for cleaning up, Use them sparingly and responsibly.
  6. Preferably have a Ranger call 911 for fire response (if necessary) or decided by FB-FAST or Freezer Burn Production.