Freezer Burn - If something negative happens to you at Freezer Burn, what do you do?
Freezer Burn is an event run by volunteers and attended by participants from all walks of life, experience backgrounds, and manners of expressing themselves.
Freezer Burn is an event run by volunteers and attended by participants from all walks of life, experience backgrounds, and manners of expressing themselves. Some conflicts are bound to happen, and everyone involved must try to reach a compromise or understanding. If resolution is not possible, you may wish to report a troubling incident to the Conduct Committee of the governing non-profit body that oversees the event. This is the League of Extraordinary Albertans (orLEA) Conduct Committee.
Please proceed to Oracle and ask to complete an Incident Report. This may be done online or on paper. Online reports can be 100% confidential, and are sent directly to the Conduct Committee, whereas the hand written incident reports at the event are reviewed by the Conduct Committee after the event has finished. All event incident reports are sent to the Conduct Committee for review, and all parties are bound by a confidentiality agreement.
The Production Team and Team Leads are involved in Incident Reports only as much as the situation must be handled on the event site, for the safety of everyone involved. The Production Team does not evaluate incidents or recommend further steps or actions to be taken. The Production Team strives to remain impartial and treat every participant with fairness, support, and compassion.
The Conduct Committee follows very strict procedures and methods to ensure that issues are heard, addressed, and actions put in place to resolve. Please enquire with the Conduct Committee if you wish to know more details about their process.
For more information about the event Code of Conduct and Incident Reports, please refer to the Survival Guide or ask at Oracle, or review the information available through the following links.