Freezer Burn - Calling all Freezer Burners with Kids!
Are you planning to attend Freezer Burn with your small ones - or not so small ones?
Are you planning to attend Freezer Burn with your small ones - or not so small ones?
Would you like to camp with other parents and children in a space that has been developed with littles in mind?
If yes, please consider joining us at Kidsville!
Kidsville is a long-standing theme camp at Freezer Burn that encourages friendships amongst families & parents. We offer a space that allows parents a kid friendly area to play and participate within a radically expressive environment. Kids can play, parents can relax knowing it is unlikely they will stumble upon behavior they may have to explain. ;)
If you would like to camp at Kidsville, please send an email to by April 25th 2022 with the following information:
- names of family members camping with you (optionally including the ages of your children)
- the rough footprint you will require for your camping structures
- your anticipated arrival and departure times if known
- any resources/events/ideas that you might be able to contribute (we could really use a bouncy castle…)
We also have a Facebook group that we would encourage all Kidsville participants to join titled ‘Freezer Burn Kidsville’.
See you on the Fraya,