Why did tickets go so fast this year?!? Is our little regional getting really popular? Is it that our wacky neighbours to the south are actually getting pretty dangerous to travel there and we really wish there was a Burner Migration Corridor right to the Big Burn... but there isn't? Is it the delightful weather last year?!? Did we plan ahead to know we would sell out and planned for a OMG sale?
Or is it that Zuul misread the budget for total tickets and is also bad at basic math and managed to drop 200 tickets from what should have been the total funneled into Online Ticket Sales?
Guess we'll never know!
Anyways, April 1 at 6pm mountain time the OMG sale will launch with another 200 e-tickets.
TIES will also be launching around this time to connect people selling tickets with people who want to buy tickets.
Remember, this whole event runs on Volunteer Power (which explains a few things for sure) so we need you to volunteer! Shift Signup starts on April 1 as well.