Freezer Burn - Volunteer- Fire Art Safety

This is your friendly neighborhood Fire Art Safety Team and we want you!!

 · 2 min read

We are still searching for some fantastic folks to join us as we work to bring Fire to the Fraya! You can volunteer in advance online at or you can sign up during the event by swinging by Center Camp!

Please consider Volunteering for the following…


These are the fine folks that are the first line of defense between the heat and the people! Without the wonderful perimeter volunteers, we can’t burn the incredible pieces that artists bring to the Fraya! Please help us keep Freezer Burn safe and Fiery! Read more about the Perimeter Team here:

Shifts needing to be filled include:

Temple Perimeter: Sunday Evening 9:00pm - Perimeter Drop (Approximately midnight)

Effigy Perimeter: Saturday Evening 9:00pm - Perimeter Drop (Approximately midnight)


In order to let the fire burn throughout the night, we need volunteers to tend the fires of the Art burns. It's about the chillest volunteer shift you'll find, but it is a late one. Without Fire Guardians, we'll need to extinguish the fire before we leave. Read more about Fire Guardians here:

Shifts needing to be filled include:

Effigy Fire Guardian: 4:00am - 8:00am

Temple Fire Guardian: 12:00 (Midnight) - 4:00am

Temple Fire Guardian: 4:00am - 8:00am


We are looking for folks to assist our team with setting up the fireworks for the Effigy show Saturday! This is a rare opportunity to learn from some really experienced technicians that are bringing some exciting new equipment to the Fraya! Read more about the Fireworks Team here: 

Shift needing to be filled:

Fireworks Set Up Assistance - Saturday 12:00 noon - 3:00pm

Have any questions? Feel free to contact us directly at

Thanks for reading this far and see you on the Fraya!

Your FAST team