Freezer Burn - Fire Spinning at Freezer Burn

FB-FAST would like to welcome all fire spinners to Freezer Burn

 · 3 min read

Fire Spinners- (or most…. Fire breathers, see the first bulletin point). We are looking forward to you bringing your fire to our community and ask for your help in making sure all fire is handled safely. Please read the safety points below.

·Unfortunately, fire breathing is prohibited. It is one of the most dangerous of the fire arts, and we are not equipped to deal with the types of medical emergencies that can should it go wrong.

·It will be the responsibility of the performer to provide basic safety equipment. At least a wet towel, or fire blanket as well as a currently certified fire extinguisher. If you do not have this basic safety equipment, you will be asked to stop spinning until you provide the equipment.

·Performers must be sober throughout the use of fire props.

·Performers must have an easily identified sober safety spotter throughout the burn time of their prop.

·Only kerosene, white gas, or lamp oil may be used to fuel wicks. Gasoline / diesel must never be used.

·Only all natural or fire-resistant fabrics should be worn, whether spinning or spotting. Polyester, rayon, fun fur, or any other synthetic fabric will melt when set alight. Loose fitting or flappy clothing such as sarongs are also not recommended. Cotton, denim, or leather are good fire safe fabrics.

·All performers have received basic safety instruction. If this is not the case, please contact a member of the FB-FAST or an experienced performer and they will be happy to guide you through your first spin.

·Performers should not need more than a gallon (4.56L) of fuel per person for the purpose of spinning fire for the duration of Freezer Burn. If you think you need more, please contact a member of the FB-FAST team to discuss.

·Performers will be respectful of the environment and MSW organic farms in respect to fueling and spin-off. Please DO NOT spin off on the bare ground.

·All performers must be at least twenty feet away from any person or structure. It is the responsibility of the performer to complete a visual site inspection prior to spinning and ensure a safe 20-foot distance is maintained between people and structures during the burn.

·The use of fire props will be allowed at any time, but only in designated locations. The use of fire props is prohibited on the upper camping level. But new for this year, the fire spinning area has been expanded to include all of the downstairs Fraya area. As this is new for this year FB-FAST is asking that you please ensure you are spinning safely near people, especially if you set up near a stage. If the crowd starts to encroach on your spinning space, it is your responsibility to move. It is also your responsibility to ensure the safety of your fueling and spin off areas. Please ensure there are no open flames located in these areas.

As in previous years we are asking all fire spinners to check in at Oracle prior to spinning. Oracle will confirm the designated fire spinning are with you and you will be asked to sign a safety agreement that has the same safety bulletin points above. You will be given a fire spinner laminate, that we ask you to always have on you while spinning, this helps FB-FAST to ensure everyone spinning is aware of the safety concerns.

FB-FAST thanks you for being safe and responsible.