Freezer Burn - Fire Safety Basics

Fire safety basics that will help us all to prevent any fire emergencies.

 · 2 min read

Freezer Burn is coming up quickly and FB-FAST is hoping to have another successful event. We just wanted to remind all you wonderful people about some fire safety basics that will help us all to prevent any fire emergencies. Please read the following safety points.

General Fire Safety:

·FB-FAST will provide a small number of fire extinguisher stations around the event grounds to be used in case of emergency. These stations will also have a small fuel spill kit that can be used in an emergency. Please report any fuel spills to FB-FAST at Oracle.

·All fire must be monitored by a responsible person while in operation. This would include the use of stoves, BBQs, flame effects, propane fire pits and appliances.

·Have a fire extinguisher device appropriate for the fire size located in plain sight. A 5-pound ABC fire extinguisher will accommodate most things.

Generator use:

·Please be mindful of your generator location to try to prevent the exhaust from entering tents and sleeping quarters which may result in CO poisoning.

Fuel Storage:

·Please store all fuels not being used a safe distance away from sleeping spaces (Tents, RVs, etc).

·Please store all fuels not being used a safe distance away from ignition sources (BBQs, propane fire pits, flame effects, etc)

·Please store liquid fuels in an approved container that is then stored in a secondary container that will hold 110% of the stored liquid to prevent potential fuel spills from reaching the ground.

·Please do not store fuels in direct sunlight.

Here is an example of a fuel container stored inside a storage tote. The tote acts as the secondary container and the lid can be used as a sunshade.

If you don’t have enough room in your camp for your fuel storage there will be a community fuel storage area provided near first response. You will still need to provide your own secondary storage container and shade in that area.


·Please make sure to use a spill barrier while refueling to prevent any spills from reaching the ground.

·Report any spills that are not contained to FB-FAST, Rangers, and Producers. Reporting can be made at Oracle.