Freezer Burn - Fire Safety needs more volunteers
We need more volunteers so things can burn! Can you help? Sign up today.
The Freezer Burn Fire Safety Team is still in need of volunteers and could really use your help. If you have time and energy to gift we still need and are looking for volunteers for the following positions:
Effigy perimeter for Saturday night for the Effigy burn. (We still need 10 volunteers)
Temple perimeter for Sunday night for the Temple burn. (We still need 12 volunteers)
Fireworks assistants for Saturday to help set up the fireworks show + Fireworks LNT sweep help for Sunday morning after the fireworks show. (We still need 4 volunteers)
Fire Guardians for the Effigy burn for Late Saturday night and Sunday morning to watch the Effigy burn site so we don’t have to put the fire out. (We still need 4 volunteers)
Fire Guardians for the Temple burn for Late Sunday night and Monday morning to watch the Effigy burn site so we don’t have to put the fire out. (We still need 4 volunteers)
Please sign up on the website and thank you for gifting your time and energy to our amazing Freezer Burn community. Without all of you none of the magic would happen.
Peace and Love,
Polar Bear
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