Freezer Burn - A Rangering we go, a Rangering we go...
If you wanna be as cool as a fire sword, join the forces of good and become a Ranger!
If you wanna be as cool as a fire sword, join the forces of good and become a Ranger! Learn how to resolve issues with a good ear and a calm voice, be the person that people grab when they need a hand, and be the voice of reason when things go sideways. You'll also get all of your steps in as you walk a lot during a shift! :D
Join the Rangers and get great training that translates to the default world, including handling difficult conversations, basic First Aid handling, and de-escalating a situation. Plus, you get to wear cool green vests, carry radios, and meet everyone on the Fraya!
Rangers are the non confrontational mediators that help keep an eye out for everyone at Freezer Burn. Their shifts typically run 6 hours long and they work in pairs. Duties range anywhere from helping lost children find their parents to responding to emergencies and helping get appropriate resources to the scene. To find out about training send an email to, and to volunteer e-mail or complete the volunteer form at...