Freezer Burn 2022: Pheonix Rising Facebook Event
For those that would like to follow the Freezer Burn 2022 event on Facebook you can find it here.
For those that would like to follow the Freezer Burn 2022 event on Facebook you can find it here:
Freezer Burn 2022: Phoenix Rising
The ancient Greeks and Egyptians described a mythical bird called the Phoenix, a magnificent creature that was a symbol of renewal and rebirth. According to legend, each Phoenix lived for 500 years, and just before its time was up, the Phoenix built a nest and set itself on fire. From those ashes, a new Phoenix would rise.
Just like the Phoenix of lore, Freezer Burn has risen from the ashes after two years of being canceled, and our Production team is in the works to make sure this is one of the best Freezer Burns ever (but we also realize it was always better next year).Leave the online world for a weekend and join us in person June 16-20, 2022 at our usual Freezer Burn location for a weekend of rebirth, and reuniting with old friends. Create Art, create music, collaborate, participate, dance, express yourself, include everyone, and most importantly, respect one another and be You. After two years away, we understand it may be difficult to rejoin a social world, but what better place to do it than Freezer Burn.
As a reminder, Freezer Burn is 99.9% participant driven and we need volunteers to ensure this event happens ~ please consider volunteering, we need you.
We are currently planning to go ahead, and have our fingers crossed that we can have a safe and enjoyable event. We will follow all Alberta mandates and take into consideration the mandates of our neighboring provinces but our hopes are that we are seeing the endemic. Our production team has been discussing different ideas to help our participants navigate this topic onsite, and we have a couple ideas that we could employ, with more information coming soon. We are also trying to ensure that rapid tests (if needed) are available and we have put some of the 2022 budget aside to deal with this ever-changing and unpredictable situation. As much as we can do, In the end, It is up to every participant to do their own risk assessment prior to the event.We hope to see you on the Fraya!